The Prisoners' Dream 4 (View #4, Fort Jervois, Ripapa Island, Lyttelton Harbour, 15 March 2000)
Laurence Aberhart
The Prisoners' Dream 2 (View #2, Fort Jervois, Ripapa Island, Lyttelton Harbour, 14 March 2000)
Laurence Aberhart
The Prisoners' Dream 1 (View #1, Fort Jervois, Ripapa Island, Lyttelton Harbour, 14 March 2000)
Laurence Aberhart
The Prisoners' Dream (Taranaki from Oeo Road under Moonlight, 27-28 September 1999)
Laurence Aberhart
The Prisoners' Dream 3 (View #3, Fort Jervois, Ripapa Island, Lyttelton Harbour, 14 March 2000)
Laurence Aberhart